Thursday, November 7, 2013

What to do with Chris Carpenter.

For years, Cardinal fans were fortunate enough to watch Chris Carpenter throw inning after inning, batter after batter, game after game, with the ferocity we haven't seen since the days of Bob Gibson.

We watched more times than I can remember, Carp bailing the Cardinals out of a losing streak.

And who else would you rather have pitching in a playoff game?

But now, with his playing days likely over, what's next for Carpenter?

My hope, most of all, is that he remains in the organization in some capacity. He has so much to offer even without throwing a pitch. 

We saw the influence he had on Adam Wainwright when he first came up...and still to this day. With all the young pitching St. Louis has, I think the Cardinals would be wise to offer him a job with the club.

I could see Carpenter as a roving pitching instructor throughout the organization. The help he could give pitchers would be enormous. In fact, his competitive nature is such that you have to think that position players would stand up and listen to most anything Carp would say.

C'mon St. Louis, don't let this guy get away. The benefits he has to offer are too good to pass on.

Just a few words on the Richie Incognito/Jonathan Martin bullying story.

Obviously Incognito has a history of being a royal pain-in-the-ass. He said things to Martin, in person and via text, that should have NEVER been said.

What is bothering me is I'm hearing more and more than Martin should have been tougher...especially since no physical violence was used.

Those who read this, please understand, there is mental bullying, and verbal bullying, as well as the physical type.

It's the latter two that Martin had been going through. After weeks and months of Incognito's tormenting, Jonathan Martin had had enough.

Good for him for finally coming forward. I hope he gets the help he needs to get over this. I hope as a society, we're smart enough to put an end to this kind of torment.

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